Yegertek - Loyalty Group

Why Tiered Loyalty Program?

A Tiered loyalty program that rewards customers for being loyal to your business by giving them special perksCustomers get an advantage based on the tier rank of a reward program and receive extra benefits. They are encouraged to spend and engage better in tiered programs to grow and receive additional help.

The Benefits of Tiered Loyalty Programs

  • Add value to the status: Tiers relate to ever more valuable rewards. The benefits are higher, and the brand experience is more exclusive as you move up the tiers.
  • Create a long-term relationship: Customers will be more interested in tier-based programs for a longer period. They are motivated to keep ranking up by the sense of accomplishment they get when they reach a higher tier level.
  • Create a highly focused experience: Monitor and analyze member activities and interests to better segment your client base. Enhance the customer experience and communicate in a more targeted manner.
  • You have behavioral science on your side: It is more vital to prevent the loss of something precious than it is to acquire new items. As a result, members are equally as concerned with preserving their present tier as they are with moving up.
  • Stand out from the crowd: High-tier bonuses will set your customer experience apart from your competitors. High spenders are hesitant to move due to the amount of effort required to achieve top-tier reward benefits.

Tier Reward Program - Why Should You Have Them?

Easy Steps for Developing an Effective Tier Loyalty Program

  • Start with a Clear Goal.
    Creating a tiered based system in your loyalty program is critical for developing a successful customer retention strategy. It enables you to reward & recognise your most loyal customers while enticing new customers to join the program. We are confident that your loyalty program fits the requirements of both present and prospective clients and can help your business generate more revenue.
  • Create a System That Works.
    Create a strategy that works for your business and its customers. Be clear with the goal that can help you to boost your loyalty marketing strategies. Provide customers with options for earning rewards and redeeming them.
  • Set Realistic Expectations.
    Once you’ve decided on the goals of your program, set realistic expectations. You might think that offering a gift card would be enough to keep people coming back, but it won’t. People expect something more than a discount when they sign up for a new service or products.
  • Measure Results.
    To make sure your tiered loyalty program works as planned, measure its success by tracking customer behavior. If you notice your consumers spending less money after joining your program, you should revise your strategy.

Frequently Asked Question

Tiered-based system are what some companies use to maintain customer retention. Customers are grouped into different categories or tiers based on how much they spend over a certain period. The idea is that the longer someone has been with the business. Additionally, they are worth to the organisation.

There are multiple levels in a tiered loyalty program, depending on a customer’s total spending. It has different rewards on each level, with the highest rewards at the highest level. The Yegertek’s loyalty program is a great way to create a business tiered loyalty program. 

In tiered loyalty programs, the benefits vary based on the customer’s rank. Members of tiered loyalty programs are grouped according to certain metrics instead of earning and burning loyalty cards. In a tier-based system, customers progress from one level to another based on the rewards, services, or benefits they receive. 

A tiered membership is a loyalty program structure that offers different levels of benefits and rewards based on customer engagement or spending levels.

Tiered loyalty programs reward customers with increasing benefits as they move up different tiers based on their engagement or spending, encouraging them to increase their loyalty and engagement with the brand.


The structure of tier reward programs promotes repeat business, which is why they are so attractive to customers. Rewards and recognition can be earned by accumulating points on certain products or services. The program rewards loyal customers while offering discounts and free goods to customers who accumulate points. Customers who reach the Silver, Gold, or Platinum levels in a loyalty programme, for example, are rewarded with discounts and rewards.

A no-cost or basic tier, a middle-of-the-road tier, and a high-value sort of premium tier for major fans and high-spending customers. In a nutshell, loyalty programs are either point-based or value-based.

We determine the ideal structure for your tier-based Rewards solutions.